

Great beers. Great stuff.

For our start-up period we are offering only the Founders Club Package. We are offering them for a limited time and in a limited quantity. We'll offer other swag once we have some funds raised from the Founders Package, so stay tuned. In the meantime, know that the Founders Club Package includes benefits for two people, and we're not offering a single-person option. So grab a spouse, a partner, a sibling, a friend, a cousin, a neighbor, or that rando you just met at the coffee shop, and get yours today!


In stock: 24 available
Product Details


Dark navy, 100% cotton tee with a single-color version of the Six Pennies Brewery logo. Available in (S)mall, (M)edium, (L)arge, E(X)tra Large.


  • Organic cotton/polyester blend
  • Available only in Navy Blue at this time
  • All sales are final
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