By Bill Fishburn
August 12, 2021
The past week has been more paperwork. Our primary source of paperwork continues to be the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. I counted, and I submitted more than 35 forms in our first pass of form submissions. We are in what I believe is our third pass, but it might be our fourth or fifth, depending on how we count. My favorite resubmission so far was a form that asks for "Name." On all of our formal documentation, Beth and I have used atypical forms of our full names for. ev. er. FOR. EV. ER. (Queue 'The Sandlot.') The agent asked me to resubmit with our "Full Names." As luck or fate or the internet would have it, I couldn't find the original form they asked us to fill out, so I tried to find the form from WSLCB's website. That link was broken. The document I'd sent couldn't be edited because, well... Adobe. So it was an hour or so of maddening frustration before I eventually found the original email from the agent with the working link. But then, the agent informed me, I forgot to sign the updated-with-full-name version of the form. That was the point where I got a beer (okay, it was a couple/three beers, but really, who's counting?) That same afternoon I had a lengthy email exchange with the agent. Twice they had asked me for my "internet provider," because who knows why? They had never heard of the internet provider I gave them (who, by the way, serves most of south Thurston County - the county where the agent resides and works). I finally realized they didn't want my internet provider, but rather the company who was providing our storefront (which you can interface with when you order your Founders Club Package from The lengthy email was trying to just get us both on the same page with respect to vocabulary. There are huge differences between, "internet providers," "webhosting services", "content management systems," "commerce platforms," and "domain providers," and after explaining the differences, the agent managed to work with Enforcement to determine our commerce platform was on whatever approved list they were concerned with. Once we had that all sorted out, I decided I was going to take a break from WSLCB paperwork to think about our menu. It was also a good excuse to procrastinate the dun, dun, DUN! Business Plan - which I've been struggling with for months. So the pictures you see for this week's post and at the top of this page are beef brisket and burnt ends (made from pork belly). All I can say is I hope we never perfect these, because they I won't have an excuse to practice making them. Oh. My. Gosh! These two dishes were so good! The brisket was on the Big Green Egg for a total of 11 hours, and we have just a couple tweaks to make to it before it is utter perfection. Of course, we'll have to go through another round of practice when we switch to an offset smoker (which I'm going to build myself), but such is life! The burnt ends were pretty much finished after six hours, and between the rub, the bbq sauce glaze, and the broiler crisping -- yeah, that old Lay's commercial came back to haunt us: "You can't eat just one." We also made a decent batch of smoked jalapeño-cheddar sausages this past week. That recipe will also need some more practice and some more tweaks. "Unfortunately" we'll have to work through about 15 lbs of our first batch before we make the next batch. Before you ask, no - we're not shipping this stuff. First, we're not satisfied with the current results, and two, food safety (need I say more?) If you're in the neighborhood, though, and you want to give it a try, shoot us a note. That's about all for this week. Stay safe, stay cool, and wear your masks in indoor spaces, even if you're vaccinated.